
Zippo Green by Zippo – 1oz (30 ml)

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In 2011, the popular American brand Zippo introduced new fragrances to it’s first edition Zippo Origional. Crafted in origional Green colored, simple smooth container is engraved in metal and glass and opens & close with the well applauded Zippo click. The top notes of the fragrance embraces Sicilian bergamot oil and grapefruit aroma which opens with favour of apple and soothing violet leaf touch.

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In 2011, the popular American brand Zippo introduced new fragrances to it’s first edition Zippo Origional. Crafted in origional Green colored, simple smooth container is engraved in metal and glass and opens & close with the well applauded Zippo click. The top notes of the fragrance embraces Sicilian bergamot oil and grapefruit aroma which opens with favour of apple and soothing violet leaf touch.

Pada tahun 2011, jenama Amerika yang popular Zippo memperkenalkan wangian baru kepada edisi pertama Zippo Orgional. Dibuat dalam berwarna hijau berwarna hijau, bekas halus mudah diukir dalam logam dan kaca dan dibuka & ditutup dengan klik Zippo yang dipuji dengan baik. Nota -nota teratas wangian merangkumi minyak bergamot Sicily dan aroma limau gedang yang dibuka dengan memihak kepada epal dan sentuhan daun ungu yang menenangkan.

En 2011, la marque amŽricaine populaire Zippo a introduit de nouveaux parfums ˆ sa premire Ždition Zippo Origional. FabriquŽ dans un conteneur lisse simple d’origine est gravŽ en mŽtal et en verre et s’ouvre et se fermer avec le clic Zippo applaudi bien. Les notes de tte du parfum embrassent l’huile de bergamote sicilienne et l’ar™me de pamplemousse qui s’ouvre avec la faveur de la pomme et la touche de feuille violette apaisante.

En 2011, la popular marca estadounidense Zippo introdujo nuevas fragancias en su primera edici—n Zippo Original. Hecho hechos en un contenedor de color verde original y liso simple est‡ grabado en metal y vidrio y se abre y cierre con el clic Zippo bien aplaudido. Las notas superiores de la fragancia abarca el aroma de aceite de bergamota siciliana y de toronja que se abre con favor de la manzana y el toque de hoja violeta relajante.

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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