
Yardley Original Eau De Toilette Spray By Yardley London – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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Yardley Original Cologne by Yardley London, Light and fresh yet intensely masculine, yardley original is a classic men’s fragrance that fuses elements of citrus, spice and wood. Licorice nuances of lavender open the fragrance, accompanied by fruity-aromatic bergamot, tart-sweet mandarin and orange blossom. A clean spice accord dominates the heart, mingling warm notes of nutmeg and cinnamon with purifying lemon verbena.

Yardley Original Cologne by Yardley London, Light and fresh yet intensely masculine, yardley original is a classic men’s fragrance that fuses elements of citrus, spice and wood. Licorice nuances of lavender open the fragrance, accompanied by fruity-aromatic bergamot, tart-sweet mandarin and orange blossom. A clean spice accord dominates the heart, mingling warm notes of nutmeg and cinnamon with purifying lemon verbena.

Yardley Original Cologne oleh Yardley London, ringan dan segar namun intinya maskulin, Yardley Original adalah aroma lelaki klasik yang menggabungkan unsur-unsur sitrus, rempah dan kayu. Licorice nuansa lavender membuka aroma, disertai oleh buah Bergamot aromatik, Tart-Sweet Mandarin dan Blossom Orange. Accord rempah yang bersih menguasai hati, beramai-ramai nota hangat pala dan kayu manis dengan membersihkan Lemon Verbena.

Yardley Original Cologne de Yardley London, lŽger et frais mais extrmement masculin, Yardley Original est un parfum classique des hommes qui fusionne des ŽlŽments d’agrumes, d’Žpices et de bois. Licence Nuances de lavande Ouvrez le parfum, accompagnŽe d’une bergamote fruitŽ-aromatique, de mandarine tardifŽe et de fleur d’oranger. Un accord propre ˆ Žpices domine le cÏur, mlant notes chaudes de noix de muscade et de cannelle avec verveine de citron purifiant.

Yardley Original Colonia por Yardley Londres, Light and Fresh, pero intensamente masculino, Ollementley Original es una fragancia cl‡sica de hombres que fusiona elementos de c’tricos, especias y madera. Los matices de regaliz de la lavanda abren la fragancia, acompa–ados de bergamota afrutado-arom‡tico, mandarina dulce de tajo y flor de naranja. Un acuerdo de especias limpio domina el coraz—n, mezclando notas c‡lidas de nuez moscada y canela con verbena de lim—n purificador.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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