
Tabac Man by Maurer & Wirtz – 6.8oz (200 ml)

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Tabac Man by MŠurer & Wirtz was introduced in 2000 as a masculine scent for any man. The top notes of this aroma include, orange, mandarin, lemon, lavender, peppermint. The middle notes include, cardamom, wood, vetiver, patchouli, sandalwood and oakmoss.

Tabac Man by MŠurer & Wirtz was introduced in 2000 as a masculine scent for any man. The top notes of this aroma include, orange, mandarin, lemon, lavender, peppermint. The middle notes include, cardamom, wood, vetiver, patchouli, sandalwood and oakmoss.

Tabac Man oleh MŠurer & Wirtz diperkenalkan pada tahun 2000 sebagai aroma maskulin untuk mana -mana lelaki. Nota atas aroma ini termasuk, oren, mandarin, lemon, lavender, peppermint. Nota tengah termasuk, kapulaga, kayu, vetiver, nilam, cendana dan oakmoss.

Tabac Man de MŠurre & Wirtz a ŽtŽ introduit en 2000 comme un parfum masculin pour tout homme. Les notes de tte de cet ar™me comprennent, orange, mandarin, citron, lavande, menthe poivrŽe. Les notes du milieu comprennent la cardamome, le bois, le vŽtiver, le patchouli, le bois de santal et le chne.

Tabac Man de MŠurer & Wirtz se introdujo en 2000 como un aroma masculino para cualquier hombre. Las notas principales de este aroma incluyen, naranja, mandarina, lim—n, lavanda, menta. Las notas intermedias incluyen, cardamomo, madera, vetiver, pachul’, s‡ndalo y roble.

Weight 6.8 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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