
Suave Petals by The Merchant of Venice – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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Floral and fruity accords blend together in an elegant, feminine fragrance from the Merchant of Venice. Suave Petals, introduced in 2013, opens with sweet, ripe fruity notes of pineapple, apple, peach, and bergamot. The heart of the fragrance features intoxicating florals that linger and settle on the skin.

Floral and fruity accords blend together in an elegant, feminine fragrance from the Merchant of Venice. Suave Petals, introduced in 2013, opens with sweet, ripe fruity notes of pineapple, apple, peach, and bergamot. The heart of the fragrance features intoxicating florals that linger and settle on the skin.

Bunga-bunga dan buah-buahan digabungkan bersama dalam wangian feminin yang elegan daripada Merchant of Venice. Kelopak Suave, yang diperkenalkan pada 2013, dibuka dengan nota buah nanas, epal, pic dan bergamot yang manis dan masak. Jantung wangian itu menampilkan bunga-bunga yang memabukkan yang melekat dan mengendap pada kulit.

Des accords floraux et fruitŽs se mlent dans un parfum ŽlŽgant et fŽminin du Marchand de Venise. Suave Petals, lancŽ en 2013, s’ouvre sur des notes fruitŽes douces et mžres d’ananas, de pomme, de pche et de bergamote. Le cÏur du parfum prŽsente des fleurs enivrantes qui s’attardent et se dŽposent sur la peau.

Los acordes florales y afrutados se mezclan en una fragancia elegante y femenina del Mercader de Venecia. Suave Petals, presentada en 2013, se abre con notas afrutadas dulces y maduras de pi–a, manzana, durazno y bergamota. El coraz—n de la fragancia presenta flores embriagadoras que perduran y se asientan en la piel.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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