
Silver Scent by Jacques Bogart – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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The classic blend of strong woody fragrances with sublime oriental notes best describe Silver Scent that was launched in 2006. The springy top notes of orange blossom and fresh, luscious citruses keep you rejuvenated and lively. The intense spicy accords of nutmeg, coriander, rosemary, cardamom are enhanced with misty lavender and geranium, imparting lavishness to the heart.

The classic blend of strong woody fragrances with sublime oriental notes best describe Silver Scent that was launched in 2006. The springy top notes of orange blossom and fresh, luscious citruses keep you rejuvenated and lively. The intense spicy accords of nutmeg, coriander, rosemary, cardamom are enhanced with misty lavender and geranium, imparting lavishness to the heart.

Campuran klasik wangian berkayu yang kuat dengan nota oriental yang paling luhur menggambarkan aroma perak yang dilancarkan pada tahun 2006. Nota -nota utama bunga oren dan segar, citrus yang lazat membuatkan anda diremajakan dan meriah. Perjanjian pedas pala, ketumbar, rosemary, kapulaga dipertingkatkan dengan lavender berkabut dan geranium, menyampaikan kebencian ke hati.

Le mŽlange classique de parfums boisŽs puissants avec des notes orientales sublimes dŽcrit le mieux le parfum d’argent qui a ŽtŽ lancŽ en 2006. Les notes de tte Žlastiques de la fleur d’orange et des agrumes fra”ches et succulents vous maintiennent rajeunis et vivant. Les accords ŽpicŽs intenses de la muscade, de la coriandre, du romarin, de la cardamome sont amŽliorŽs de lavande brumeuse et de gŽranium, confŽrant une somptuositŽ au cÏur.

La combinaci—n cl‡sica de fragancias le–osas fuertes con notas orientales sublime mejor describe el aroma plateado que se lanz— en 2006. Las notas superiores de Orange Blossom y los c’tricos frescos y deliciosos lo mantienen rejuvenecido y animado. Los intensos acuerdos picantes de nuez moscada, cilantro, romero, cardamomo se mejoran con lavanda y geranio brumosas, impartiendo la lujismo al coraz—n.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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