
Red Door Revealed by Elizabeth Arden – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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Red Door Revealed by Elizabeth Arden was launched in 1989.This timeless classic of a feminine blend that possesses a blend of red rose, violet, jasmine, lily of the valley, orchid, with a hint honey.

Red Door Revealed by Elizabeth Arden was launched in 1989.This timeless classic of a feminine blend that possesses a blend of red rose, violet, jasmine, lily of the valley, orchid, with a hint honey.

Red Door Revealed oleh Elizabeth Arden telah dilancarkan pada tahun 1989. Klasik abadi ini daripada gabungan feminin yang mempunyai gabungan mawar merah, ungu, melati, lily of the valley, orkid, dengan sedikit madu.

Red Door Revealed par Elizabeth Arden a ŽtŽ lancŽ en 1989. Ce classique intemporel d’un mŽlange fŽminin qui possde un mŽlange de rose rouge, violette, jasmin, muguet, orchidŽe, avec un soupon de miel.

Red Door Revealed de Elizabeth Arden se lanz— en 1989. Este cl‡sico atemporal de una mezcla femenina que posee una combinaci—n de rosa roja, violeta, jazm’n, lirio de los valles, orqu’dea y un toque de miel.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm

Manufactured By


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