
Realm Intense Eau De Parfum Spray By Erox – 1.7oz (50 ml)

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Realm Intense Perfume by Erox, Realm intense perfume for women was launched in 2015. The explosion of irresistible aphrodisiacs and human pheromones awakens your senses with its seductive and sensual powers. This addictive, sultry oriental floral musk opens with tantalizing top notes of sparkling bergamot, candied sugar crystals and zesty mandarin pulp.

Realm Intense Perfume by Erox, Realm intense perfume for women was launched in 2015. The explosion of irresistible aphrodisiacs and human pheromones awakens your senses with its seductive and sensual powers. This addictive, sultry oriental floral musk opens with tantalizing top notes of sparkling bergamot, candied sugar crystals and zesty mandarin pulp.

Realm Intense Perfume oleh Erox, Realm Intense Minyak wangi untuk wanita dilancarkan pada tahun 2015. Letupan afrodisiak yang tidak dapat dinafikan dan pheromones manusia membangkitkan deria anda dengan kuasa yang menggoda dan sensual. Musk Floral Oriental yang ketagihan, sultry ini terbuka dengan nota teratas yang menggembirakan bergamot, kristal gula candied dan zesty mandarin pulpa.

Royaume parfum intense par Erox, le parfum intense Royaume pour les femmes a ŽtŽ lancŽ en 2015. L’explosion d’aphrodisiaques irrŽsistibles et de phŽromones humaines Žveille vos sens avec ses pouvoirs sŽduisants et sensuels. Ce musc floral oriental sensible s’ouvre avec des notes supŽrieures de la bergamote pŽtillantes, des cristaux de sucre confits et de la p‰te de mandarine zestŽe.

Realm Intenso Perfume por EROX, Realm Intenso Perfume para Mujeres se lanz— en 2015. La explosi—n de los afrodis’acos irresistibles y las feromonas humanas despiertan sus sentidos con sus poderes seductores y sensuales. Este alzado floral oriental, adictivo y sensual se abre con notas superiores tentables de bergamota brillante, cristales de azœcar confitados y pulpa de la mandarina de la zesty.

Weight 1.7 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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