
PERRY ELLIS RESERVE by Perry Ellis – 3.4oz (100 ml)

Use Promo Code “$20-OFF” For Purchases Above $50


Reserve for Women gives a sense of total harmony, achieved with a blend of soft floralcy, exotic woods and sensuous, warm notes. As the fragrance unfolds, Mid Notes of yellow Freesia, Marigold, Lotus Blossom, White Violet and Night Blooming Lily are introduced.

Reserve for Women gives a sense of total harmony, achieved with a blend of soft floralcy, exotic woods and sensuous, warm notes. As the fragrance unfolds, Mid Notes of yellow Freesia, Marigold, Lotus Blossom, White Violet and Night Blooming Lily are introduced.

Rizab untuk wanita memberikan rasa keharmonian total, dicapai dengan campuran bunga lembut, hutan eksotik dan sensual, nota hangat. Apabila wangian itu berlaku, pertengahan nota Freesia kuning, Marigold, Lotus Blossom, White Violet dan Malam Blooming Lily diperkenalkan.

La rŽserve pour les femmes donne un sentiment d’harmonie totale, atteinte avec un mŽlange de floral doux, de bois exotiques et de notes sensuelles et chaleureuses. Au fur et ˆ mesure que le parfum se dŽroule, des notes moyennes de freesie jaune, de souci, de fleur de lotus, de violet blanc et de lis de nuit sont introduits.

La reserva para las mujeres da una sensaci—n de armon’a total, lograda con una mezcla de floraci—n suave, maderas ex—ticas y notas sensuales y c‡lidas. A medida que se desarrolla la fragancia, se introducen notas medias de freesia amarilla, calŽndula, flor de loto, violeta blanca y lirio de floraci—n nocturna.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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