Monti by Giorgio Monti – 3oz (90 ml)
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Delight the senses and embrace the haziness of passion with a touch of Monti by Giorgio Monti. Released in 2008, this rich and bold perfume unleashes pure seduction and temptation with its balanced blend of sweet florals and woody base notes. A fresh burst of fresh and slightly citrusy magnolia gently melds with the intoxicating aromas of lotus and peony.
Delight the senses and embrace the haziness of passion with a touch of Monti by Giorgio Monti. Released in 2008, this rich and bold perfume unleashes pure seduction and temptation with its balanced blend of sweet florals and woody base notes. A fresh burst of fresh and slightly citrusy magnolia gently melds with the intoxicating aromas of lotus and peony.
Gembirakan deria dan rangkul keghairahan yang kabur dengan sentuhan Monti oleh Giorgio Monti. Dikeluarkan pada tahun 2008, minyak wangi yang kaya dan berani ini melancarkan godaan dan godaan tulen dengan gabungan seimbang bunga-bungaan manis dan nota asas kayu. Satu letupan segar magnolia segar dan sedikit sitrus bercampur lembut dengan aroma teratai dan peony yang memabukkan.
Ravissez vos sens et embrassez le flou de la passion avec une touche de Monti de Giorgio Monti. Sorti en 2008, ce parfum riche et audacieux libre une pure sduction et tentation avec son mlange quilibr de notes florales douces et de notes de fond boises. Un clat frais de magnolia frais et lgrement citronn se mle doucement aux armes enivrants de lotus et de pivoine.
Deleita los sentidos y abraza la neblina de la pasin con un toque de Monti de Giorgio Monti. Lanzado en 2008, este perfume rico y audaz desata pura seduccin y tentacin con su mezcla equilibrada de notas florales dulces y notas de fondo amaderadas. Una fresca explosin de magnolia fresca y ligeramente ctrica se funde suavemente con los embriagadores aromas de loto y peona.
Weight | 3 kg |
Dimensions | 18 × 13 × 7 cm |
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