
London Mist by Yardley London – 5oz (150 ml)

Use Promo Code “$20-OFF” For Purchases Above $50


You’ll enjoy surrounding yourself in a floral aura with London Mist by Yardley London. The notes of white florals, English fruits, rose, musk, and cedarwood are feminine and alluring. This is a crowd-friendly scent with a mild sillage and soothing notes.

You’ll enjoy surrounding yourself in a floral aura with London Mist by Yardley London. The notes of white florals, English fruits, rose, musk, and cedarwood are feminine and alluring. This is a crowd-friendly scent with a mild sillage and soothing notes.

Anda akan seronok mengelilingi diri anda dalam aura bunga dengan London Mist by Yardley London. Nota bunga putih, buah-buahan Inggeris, mawar, kasturi, dan kayu cedar adalah feminin dan memikat. Ini adalah bauan mesra orang ramai dengan sillage yang lembut dan nota yang menenangkan.

Vous apprŽcierez de vous entourer d’une aura florale avec London Mist de Yardley London. Les notes de fleurs blanches, de fruits anglais, de rose, de musc et de bois de cdre sont fŽminines et sŽduisantes. Il sÕagit dÕun parfum convivial avec un sillage doux et des notes apaisantes.

Disfrutar‡s rode‡ndote de un aura floral con London Mist de Yardley London. Las notas de flores blancas, frutas inglesas, rosa, almizcle y madera de cedro son femeninas y seductoras. Esta es una fragancia amigable para el pœblico con una estela suave y notas relajantes.

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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