
Lalique Amethyst by Lalique – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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This jewel of a Fruity Floral fragrance for women was created by Perfumer Nathalie Lorsen. Both the luxurious scent and the archival flacon were inspired by the unique rich color of amethyst gems. Top notes with nutmeg, blackberry and currant.

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This jewel of a Fruity Floral fragrance for women was created by Perfumer Nathalie Lorsen. Both the luxurious scent and the archival flacon were inspired by the unique rich color of amethyst gems. Top notes with nutmeg, blackberry and currant.

Permata wangian bunga buah untuk wanita dicipta oleh perfumer Nathalie Lorsen. Kedua -dua aroma mewah dan flacon arkib diilhamkan oleh warna yang unik dari permata amethyst. Nota teratas dengan pala, blackberry dan currant.

Ce joyau d’un parfum floral fruitŽ pour les femmes a ŽtŽ crŽŽ par le parfumeur Nathalie Lorsen. Le luxueux parfum et l’archivage Flacon ont ŽtŽ inspirŽs par la couleur riche unique des joyaux d’amŽthyste. Notes de garniture avec muscade, mžre et cassis.

Esta joya de una fragancia floral afrutada para mujeres fue creada por la perfumista Nathalie Lorsen. Tanto el lujoso aroma como el archivo Flacon se inspiraron en el rico color rico de las gemas de la amatista. Notas superiores con nuez moscada, mora y grosella.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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