
Kenzo Amour by Kenzo – 1.7oz (50 ml)

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Kenzo Amour is a romantic, lighthearted perfume made by Kenzo, and which offers something unique to women everywhere. The top scents notes in this fragrance include rice and white tea. The middle notes, which make up the core of the experience, are nutty frangipani blossom, cherry blossom and heliotrope, adding a very sweet, oriental floral swing to the whole.

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Kenzo Amour is a romantic, lighthearted perfume made by Kenzo, and which offers something unique to women everywhere. The top scents notes in this fragrance include rice and white tea. The middle notes, which make up the core of the experience, are nutty frangipani blossom, cherry blossom and heliotrope, adding a very sweet, oriental floral swing to the whole.

Kenzo Amour adalah minyak wangi yang romantis, ringan yang dibuat oleh Kenzo, dan yang menawarkan sesuatu yang unik kepada wanita di mana -mana. Nota aroma teratas dalam wangian ini termasuk beras dan teh putih. Nota -nota tengah, yang membentuk teras pengalaman itu, adalah bunga Frangipani Blossom, bunga ceri dan heliotrope, sambil menambah swing bunga oriental yang sangat manis.

Kenzo Amour est un parfum romantique et lŽger fabriquŽ par Kenzo, et qui offre quelque chose d’unique aux femmes partout. Les notes des parfums supŽrieurs dans ce parfum comprennent du riz et du thŽ blanc. Les notes du milieu, qui constituent le cÏur de l’expŽrience, sont la fleur de frangipani noisette, la fleur de cerisier et l’hŽliotrope, ajoutant une balanoire florale orientale trs douce dans l’ensemble.

Kenzo Amour es un perfume rom‡ntico y alegre hecho por Kenzo, y que ofrece algo œnico para las mujeres en todas partes. Las notas de los aromas superiores en esta fragancia incluyen arroz y tŽ blanco. Las notas intermedias, que constituyen el nœcleo de la experiencia, son la flor de frangipani con nuez, la flor de cerezo y el heliotropo, agregando un rumbo floral muy dulce y oriental al todo.

Weight 1.7 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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