
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt by Jo Malone – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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Jo Malone’s Wood Sage & Sea Salt arrived on the market in September 2014 as an aromatic reminder of the salty waves of marine life. Created in combination with Christine Nagel, the fragrance includes hints of sage, sea salt, red algae, ambrette seed and grapefruit, bringing to mind damp beaches and driftwood. The intention was to create a feeling of escape and there is no doubt that this fragrance delivered.

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Jo Malone’s Wood Sage & Sea Salt arrived on the market in September 2014 as an aromatic reminder of the salty waves of marine life. Created in combination with Christine Nagel, the fragrance includes hints of sage, sea salt, red algae, ambrette seed and grapefruit, bringing to mind damp beaches and driftwood. The intention was to create a feeling of escape and there is no doubt that this fragrance delivered.

Jo Malone’s Wood Sage & Sea Salt tiba di pasaran pada September 2014 sebagai peringatan aromatik dari gelombang asin kehidupan laut. Dicipta dalam kombinasi dengan Christine Nagel, wangian termasuk petunjuk bijak, garam laut, alga merah, benih ambrette dan limau gedang, membawa ke pantai yang lembap dan kayu hanyut. Hasratnya adalah untuk mewujudkan perasaan melarikan diri dan tidak ada keraguan bahawa wangian ini disampaikan.

Le sage et le sel de mer de Jo Malone sont arrivŽs sur le marchŽ en septembre 2014 en tant que rappel aromatique des vagues salŽes de la vie marine. CrŽŽe en combinaison avec Christine Nagel, le parfum comprend des notes de sauge, de sel de mer, d’algues rouges, de graines d’ambrette et de pamplemousse, faisant attention ˆ des plages humides et en bois flottŽ. L’intention Žtait de crŽer un sentiment d’Žvasion et il ne fait aucun doute que ce parfum est livrŽ.

Wood Sage & Sea Salt de Jo Malone lleg— al mercado en septiembre de 2014 como un recordatorio arom‡tico de las olas saladas de la vida marina. Creado en combinaci—n con Christine Nagel, la fragancia incluye toques de salvia, sal marina, algas rojas, semillas de Ambrette y pomelo, recordando playas hœmedas y madera de deriva. La intenci—n era crear un sentimiento de escape y no hay duda de que esta fragancia se entreg—.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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