
Jo Malone Earl Grey & Cucumber by Jo Malone – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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Launched in 2011, Jo Malone Earl Grey & Cucumber is based off a delightful treat often enjoy in Britain. The fragrance house released five different perfumes all based off the daily tea time many British people abide by. The opening consists of some aquatic notes, jasmine, bergamot and apple.

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Launched in 2011, Jo Malone Earl Grey & Cucumber is based off a delightful treat often enjoy in Britain. The fragrance house released five different perfumes all based off the daily tea time many British people abide by. The opening consists of some aquatic notes, jasmine, bergamot and apple.

Dilancarkan pada tahun 2011, Jo Malone Earl Grey & Cucumber didasarkan pada merawat yang sering dinikmati di Britain. Rumah wangian itu mengeluarkan lima minyak wangi yang berbeza yang berasaskan masa teh harian ramai orang Inggeris yang tinggal. Pembukaan terdiri daripada beberapa nota akuatik, Jasmine, Bergamot dan Apple.

LancŽ en 2011, Jo Malone Earl Gray & Cucumber est basŽ sur un plaisir dŽlicieux souvent en Grande-Bretagne. La maison de parfum a publiŽ cinq parfums diffŽrents basŽs sur le temps quotidien du temps que de nombreux Britanniques respectent. L’ouverture se compose de quelques notes aquatiques, jasmin, bergamote et pomme.

Lanzado en 2011, Jo Malone Earl Gray & Cucumber se basa en un placer encantador que a menudo disfruta en Gran Breta–a. Fragance House lanz— cinco perfumes diferentes basados ??en el tiempo diario de tŽ que muchos brit‡nicos cumplen. La apertura consiste en algunas notas acu‡ticas, jazm’n, bergamota y manzana.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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