Jaguar Excellence by Jaguar – 3.4oz (100 ml)
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Jaguar Excellence is a men’s fragrance that’s sure to leave you feeling powerful and confident. Launched in 2012 by the design house of Jaguar, this cologne combines sweet, powdery, citrusy, and woody tones, creating an aroma that’s sure to grab attention. The fragrance includes grapefruit, pink pepper, vanilla, amber, and tonka notes, and it has a rich scent that will last for hours.
Jaguar Excellence is a men’s fragrance that’s sure to leave you feeling powerful and confident. Launched in 2012 by the design house of Jaguar, this cologne combines sweet, powdery, citrusy, and woody tones, creating an aroma that’s sure to grab attention. The fragrance includes grapefruit, pink pepper, vanilla, amber, and tonka notes, and it has a rich scent that will last for hours.
Jaguar Excellence adalah wangian lelaki yang pasti membuat anda berasa kuat dan yakin. Dilancarkan pada tahun 2012 oleh rumah reka bentuk Jaguar, cologne ini menggabungkan nada manis, serbuk, sitrus, dan berkayu, mewujudkan aroma yang pasti menarik perhatian. Wangian ini termasuk limau gedang, lada merah jambu, vanila, amber, dan nota Tonka, dan ia mempunyai aroma yang kaya yang akan berlangsung selama berjam -jam.
Jaguar Excellence est un parfum pour hommes qui vous laisse certainement puissant et confiant. Lanc en 2012 par la maison de design de Jaguar, cette Cologne combine des tons sucrs, poudreux, d’agrumes et boiss, crant un arme qui sera sr d’attirer l’attention. Le parfum comprend des notes de pamplemousse, de poivre rose, de vanille, d’ambre et de tonka, et il a un riche parfum qui durera des heures.
Jaguar Excellence es una fragancia masculina que seguramente te har sentir poderoso y seguro. Lanzado en 2012 por la casa de diseo de Jaguar, esta colonia combina tonos dulces, polvorientos, ctricos y leosos, creando un aroma que seguramente llamar la atencin. La fragancia incluye notas de pomelo, pimienta rosa, vainilla, mbar y tonka, y tiene un rico aroma que durar horas.
Weight | 3.4 kg |
Dimensions | 18 × 13 × 7 cm |
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