
Incanto Bloom by Salvatore Ferragamo – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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This edition to the Incanto collection is as delightful as the name suggests. Created by perfumer Sophie Labbe, Incanto Bloom was launched by Salvatore Ferragamo in 2010. It has a blend of Champaca flower, freesia, cashmere wood, grapefruit blossom, musk and tea rose.

This edition to the Incanto collection is as delightful as the name suggests. Created by perfumer Sophie Labbe, Incanto Bloom was launched by Salvatore Ferragamo in 2010. It has a blend of Champaca flower, freesia, cashmere wood, grapefruit blossom, musk and tea rose.

Edisi ini ke koleksi Incanto adalah menyenangkan seperti namanya. Dicipta oleh Perfumer Sophie Labbe, Incanto Bloom dilancarkan oleh Salvatore Ferragamo pada tahun 2010. Ia mempunyai campuran bunga Champaca, Freesia, kayu kasmir, bunga limau gedang, musk dan teh meningkat.

Cette Ždition ˆ la collection Incanto est aussi dŽlicieuse que le nom l’indique. CrŽŽ par le parfumeur Sophie Labbe, Incanto Bloom a ŽtŽ lancŽ par Salvatore Ferragamo en 2010. Il a un mŽlange de fleur de champaca, de freesia, de bois de cachemire, de fleur de pamplemousse, de musc et de rose au thŽ.

Esta edici—n para la colecci—n Incanto es tan encantadora como su nombre lo indica. Creado por el perfumista Sophie Labbe, Incanto Bloom fue lanzado por Salvatore Ferragamo en 2010. Tiene una mezcla de flores de Champaca, Freesia, madera de cachemir, flor de toronja, almizcle y rosa de tŽ.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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