
Imperial Moon by Fanette – 0.01oz (0 ml)

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Imperial Moon is a decidedly masculine fragrance introduced in 2016. From French perfumier Fanette, this deeply mysterious scent is one you won’t soon forget. It opens with spicy top notes of ginger and saffron as well as the sweet almond aroma of aldehyde.

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Imperial Moon is a decidedly masculine fragrance introduced in 2016. From French perfumier Fanette, this deeply mysterious scent is one you won’t soon forget. It opens with spicy top notes of ginger and saffron as well as the sweet almond aroma of aldehyde.

Imperial Moon ialah wangian maskulin yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 2016. Daripada Fanette minyak wangi Perancis, bauan yang sangat misteri ini tidak akan anda lupakan. Ia dibuka dengan nota atas pedas halia dan kunyit serta aroma badam manis aldehid.

Imperial Moon est un parfum rŽsolument masculin introduit en 2016. Du parfumeur franais Fanette, ce parfum profondŽment mystŽrieux est celui que vous n’oublierez pas de sit™t. Il s’ouvre sur des notes de tte ŽpicŽes de gingembre et de safran ainsi que sur l’ar™me d’amande douce de l’aldŽhyde.

Imperial Moon es una fragancia decididamente masculina presentada en 2016. De la perfumista francesa Fanette, esta fragancia profundamente misteriosa es una que no olvidar‡ pronto. Se abre con notas especiadas de jengibre y azafr‡n, as’ como el aroma de almendras dulces del aldeh’do.

Weight 0.01 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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