
Green Tea Nectarine Blossom by Elizabeth Arden – 3.3oz (100 ml)

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Introduced by the famed cosmetic company Elizabeth Arden in 2016, Green Tea Nectarine Blossom calls to mind the sweet fruits and flowers of the warm summer months. Its feminine aura is appropriate day and night, with top notes of green tea, apricot, bergamot, and peaches. Beneath, the heart features notes of nectarine and nectarine blossom, with warmth and depth thanks to the note of musk at the base.

Introduced by the famed cosmetic company Elizabeth Arden in 2016, Green Tea Nectarine Blossom calls to mind the sweet fruits and flowers of the warm summer months. Its feminine aura is appropriate day and night, with top notes of green tea, apricot, bergamot, and peaches. Beneath, the heart features notes of nectarine and nectarine blossom, with warmth and depth thanks to the note of musk at the base.

Diperkenalkan oleh syarikat kosmetik terkenal Elizabeth Arden pada 2016, Green Tea Nectarine Blossom mengingatkan buah-buahan dan bunga manis pada bulan-bulan musim panas yang hangat. Aura femininnya sesuai siang dan malam, dengan nota atas teh hijau, aprikot, bergamot dan pic. Di bawahnya, jantung menampilkan nota nektarin dan nektarin bunga, dengan kehangatan dan kedalaman terima kasih kepada nota kasturi di pangkalnya.

LancŽe par la cŽlbre sociŽtŽ de cosmŽtiques Elizabeth Arden en 2016, Green Tea Nectarine Blossom rappelle les fruits et les fleurs sucrŽs des mois chauds d’ŽtŽ. Son aura fŽminine convient de jour comme de nuit, avec des notes de tte de thŽ vert, d’abricot, de bergamote et de pche. En dessous, le cÏur prŽsente des notes de nectarine et de fleur de nectarine, avec chaleur et profondeur gr‰ce ˆ la note de musc en fond.

Introducido por la famosa empresa de cosmŽticos Elizabeth Arden en 2016, Green Tea Nectarine Blossom recuerda las dulces frutas y flores de los c‡lidos meses de verano. Su aura femenina es apropiada para el d’a y la noche, con notas altas de tŽ verde, albaricoque, bergamota y durazno. Debajo, el coraz—n presenta notas de nectarina y flor de nectarina, con calidez y profundidad gracias a la nota de almizcle en la base.

Weight 3.3 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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