
Fuoco Infernale by Linari – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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Shroud yourself in an atmosphere of smoky seductiveness with Fuoco Infernale, a one-of-a-kind intoxication from Linari. Carnation, myrtle, marjoram, cinnamon, birch and labdanum comprise the top notes, creating an exotic, oriental sensory feast. Middle notes of olibanum and tonka bean add spice and earthy goodness to the olfactory bouquet.

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Shroud yourself in an atmosphere of smoky seductiveness with Fuoco Infernale, a one-of-a-kind intoxication from Linari. Carnation, myrtle, marjoram, cinnamon, birch and labdanum comprise the top notes, creating an exotic, oriental sensory feast. Middle notes of olibanum and tonka bean add spice and earthy goodness to the olfactory bouquet.

Kurangkan diri anda dalam suasana menggembirakan berasap dengan Fuoco Infernale, mabuk satu-of-a-kind dari Linari. Carnation, Myrtle, Marjoram, Cinnamon, Birch dan Labdanum terdiri daripada nota teratas, mewujudkan pesta deria eksotik, oriental. Nota tengah olibanum dan kacang tonka menambah rempah -rempah dan kebaikan tanah ke sejambak penciuman.

Enveloppez-vous dans une atmosphre de sŽduction fumŽe avec Fuoco Infernale, une intoxication unique en son genre de Linari. L’Ïillet, le myrte, le marjoram, la cannelle, le bouleau et le labdanum comprennent les notes de tte, crŽant une fte sensorielle orientale exotique. Les notes du milieu d’Olibanum et Tonka Bean ajoutent des Žpices et de la bontŽ terreuse au bouquet olfactif.

Sub’date en una atm—sfera de seductividad ahumada con Fuoco Infernale, una intoxicaci—n œnica de Linari. Carnaci—n, Myrtle, Marjoram, Cinnamon, Birch y Labdanum comprenden las notas superiores, creando una fiesta sensorial ex—tica y oriental. Las notas intermedias de olibanum y frijoles tonka agregan especias y bondad terrosa al ramo olfativo.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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