Fancy Love by Jessica Simpson – 1.7oz (50 ml)
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The follow up to last year’s success from performer and actress Jessica Simpson, this is a floral oriental for women. Top notes of bergamot, peach blossom, Goji leaves, and pink champagne blend with an opulent floral heart; middle notes of lotus, peony, plumeria, jasmine and Turkish rose; base notes are deep and sensual enhanced by creamy amber, blond wood musk and patchouli.
The follow up to last year’s success from performer and actress Jessica Simpson, this is a floral oriental for women. Top notes of bergamot, peach blossom, Goji leaves, and pink champagne blend with an opulent floral heart; middle notes of lotus, peony, plumeria, jasmine and Turkish rose; base notes are deep and sensual enhanced by creamy amber, blond wood musk and patchouli.
Susulan kejayaan tahun lepas dari pelaku dan pelakon Jessica Simpson, ini adalah oriental bunga untuk wanita. Nota teratas Bergamot, bunga pic, daun goji, dan campuran champagne merah jambu dengan jantung bunga mewah; Nota tengah Lotus, Peony, Plumeria, Jasmine dan Turki Rose; Nota asas adalah dalam dan sensual dipertingkatkan oleh ambar berkrim, kasturi kayu berambut perang dan nilam.
Le suivi du succs de l’an dernier de l’interprte et actrice Jessica Simpson, c’est un oriental floral pour les femmes. Notes de garniture de bergamote, de fleur de pche, de feuilles de goji et de mlange de champagne rose avec un cÏur floral opulent; Notes moyennes de lotus, pivoine, plumeria, jasmin et rose turque; Les notes de base sont profondes et sensuelles amliores par l’ambre crmeux, le musc en bois blond et le patchouli.
El seguimiento del xito del ao pasado de la intrprete y actriz Jessica Simpson, esta es una oriental floral para mujeres. Las principales notas de Bergamot, Peach Blossom, Goji Hojas y Pink Champagne se mezclan con un opulento corazn floral; notas intermedias de loto, peona, plumeria, jazmn y rosa turca; Las notas base son profundas y sensuales mejoradas por cremoso mbar, almizcle de madera rubia y pachul.
Weight | 1.7 kg |
Dimensions | 18 × 13 × 7 cm |
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