
Emporio Armani Diamonds by Giorgio Armani – 2.5oz (75 ml)

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Introduced on the market in August 2008. Its bottle was designed by Giorgio Armani himself, and it has a square-shaped bottle like a square-cut diamond. It contains gourmet-woody aromatic juicy, with an unusual gourmet reversal in the top notes.

Introduced on the market in August 2008. Its bottle was designed by Giorgio Armani himself, and it has a square-shaped bottle like a square-cut diamond. It contains gourmet-woody aromatic juicy, with an unusual gourmet reversal in the top notes.

Diperkenalkan di pasaran pada bulan Ogos 2008. Botolnya direka oleh Giorgio Armani sendiri, dan ia mempunyai botol berbentuk persegi seperti berlian persegi. Ia mengandungi berair aromatik gourmet-kayu, dengan pembalikan gourmet yang luar biasa dalam nota teratas.

Introduit sur le marchŽ en aožt 2008. Sa bouteille a ŽtŽ conue par Giorgio Armani lui-mme, et il a une bouteille en forme carrŽe comme un diamant carrŽ. Il contient du juteux aromatique gastronomique, avec une inversion gastronomique inhabituelle dans les notes de tte.

Introducido en el mercado en agosto de 2008. Su botella fue dise–ada por el propio Giorgio Armani, y tiene una botella de forma cuadrada como un diamante de corte cuadrado. Contiene jugoso arom‡tico gourmet-woody, con una inversi—n gourmet inusual en las notas superiores.

Weight 2.5 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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