
Demeter Hibiscus Tea by Demeter – 4oz (120 ml)

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Whether for health, celebration or simple pleasure, many throughout the world and its history drink hibiscus tea. The scent of hibiscus tea is just as enticing as the drink itself, and Demeter Fragrance has made it possible for you to enjoy it with Demeter Hibiscus Tea. This womenÕs fragrance recreates the green-floral and lightly spicy aroma of hibiscus tea, derived from the dried petals used to brew it.

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Whether for health, celebration or simple pleasure, many throughout the world and its history drink hibiscus tea. The scent of hibiscus tea is just as enticing as the drink itself, and Demeter Fragrance has made it possible for you to enjoy it with Demeter Hibiscus Tea. This womenÕs fragrance recreates the green-floral and lightly spicy aroma of hibiscus tea, derived from the dried petals used to brew it.

Sama ada untuk kesihatan, perayaan atau kesenangan sederhana, ramai di seluruh dunia dan sejarahnya meminum teh bunga raya. Aroma teh bunga raya adalah sama memikat seperti minuman itu sendiri, dan Demeter Fragrance telah membolehkan anda menikmatinya dengan Teh Bunga Raya Demeter. Wangian wanita ini mencipta semula aroma teh bunga raya yang berbunga-hijau dan sedikit pedas, yang diperoleh daripada kelopak kering yang digunakan untuk membancuhnya.

Que ce soit pour la santŽ, la fte ou le simple plaisir, beaucoup ˆ travers le monde et son histoire boivent du thŽ ˆ l’hibiscus. Le parfum du thŽ ˆ l’hibiscus est tout aussi sŽduisant que la boisson elle-mme, et Demeter Fragrance vous a permis d’en profiter avec Demeter Hibiscus Tea. Ce parfum fŽminin recrŽe l’ar™me vert-floral et lŽgrement ŽpicŽ du thŽ ˆ l’hibiscus, dŽrivŽ des pŽtales sŽchŽs utilisŽs pour le prŽparer.

Ya sea por salud, celebraci—n o simple placer, muchos en todo el mundo y su historia beben tŽ de hibisco. El aroma del tŽ de hibisco es tan tentador como la bebida en s’, y Demeter Fragrance ha hecho posible que lo disfrutes con Demeter Hibiscus Tea. Esta fragancia femenina recrea el aroma floral verde y ligeramente especiado del tŽ de hibisco, derivado de los pŽtalos secos que se utilizan para prepararlo.

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm

Manufactured By


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