
Chamade by Guerlain – 2.5oz (75 ml)

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This timeless feminine fragrance was released in 1969. Standing the test of time, this spicy floral perfume for women is simply an outstanding complex blend of notes. Let it inspire your independence and enhance your sensual side.

This timeless feminine fragrance was released in 1969. Standing the test of time, this spicy floral perfume for women is simply an outstanding complex blend of notes. Let it inspire your independence and enhance your sensual side.

Haruman feminin abadi ini dikeluarkan pada tahun 1969. Bertahan dalam ujian masa, minyak wangi bunga pedas untuk wanita ini hanyalah gabungan nota kompleks yang luar biasa. Biarkan ia memberi inspirasi kepada kemerdekaan anda dan meningkatkan sisi sensual anda.

Ce parfum fŽminin intemporel est sorti en 1969. RŽsistant ˆ l’Žpreuve du temps, ce parfum floral ŽpicŽ pour femme est tout simplement un mŽlange complexe et exceptionnel de notes. Laissez-le inspirer votre indŽpendance et sublimer votre c™tŽ sensuel.

Esta fragancia femenina atemporal se lanz— en 1969. Resistiendo la prueba del tiempo, este perfume floral especiado para mujeres es simplemente una combinaci—n excepcional y compleja de notas. Deja que inspire tu independencia y realce tu lado sensual.

Weight 2.5 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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