
Boss Pure by Hugo Boss – 5oz (150 ml)

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Released in 2008 this marine sport fragrance contains; Citrus, lily, Hyacynth and Mossoia Wood. Has a Metallic citrus opening, described as slightly spicy and midly floral. Recommended for anytime wear and sporting wear.

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Released in 2008 this marine sport fragrance contains; Citrus, lily, Hyacynth and Mossoia Wood. Has a Metallic citrus opening, described as slightly spicy and midly floral. Recommended for anytime wear and sporting wear.

Dikeluarkan pada tahun 2008 ini wangi Marine Sport mengandungi; Citrus, Lily, Hyacynth dan Mossoia Wood. Mempunyai pembukaan sitrus logam, yang digambarkan sebagai sedikit pedas dan bunga pertengahan. Disyorkan untuk memakai dan memakai sukan bila -bila masa.

Sorti en 2008, ce parfum de sport marin contient; Citrus, Lily, Hyacynth et Mossoia Wood. A une ouverture mŽtallique d’agrumes, dŽcrite comme lŽgrement ŽpicŽe et florale mŽdiane. RecommandŽ pour une usure ˆ tout moment et des vtements de sport.

Lanzado en 2008 esta fragancia deportiva marina contiene; Citrus, lirio, hyacynth y madera de Mossoia. Tiene una apertura de c’tricos met‡licos, descrita como ligeramente picante y mediana floral. Recomendado para cualquier momento y ropa deportiva.

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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