
Blue Glow by Jennifer Lopez – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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J-Lo aka Jennifer Lopez is one of the world’s top performers, singers and celebrities, designs her own line of women clothing and has won awards for her fragrances. This fruity floral fragrance for women was inspired by the ocean. Top notes include mangostine, Valencia orange and cranberry blossom.

J-Lo aka Jennifer Lopez is one of the world’s top performers, singers and celebrities, designs her own line of women clothing and has won awards for her fragrances. This fruity floral fragrance for women was inspired by the ocean. Top notes include mangostine, Valencia orange and cranberry blossom.

J-Lo aka Jennifer Lopez adalah salah seorang penghibur, penyanyi dan selebriti di dunia, merekabentuk pakaian wanita sendiri dan telah memenangi anugerah untuk wangiannya. Ini wangian bunga buah untuk wanita diilhamkan oleh lautan. Nota teratas termasuk mangostine, Valencia Orange dan Cranberry Blossom.

J-Lo alias Jennifer Lopez est l’un des meilleurs interprtes, chanteurs et cŽlŽbritŽs du monde, conoit sa propre ligne de vtements pour femmes et a remportŽ des prix pour ses parfums. Ce parfum floral fruitŽ pour les femmes a ŽtŽ inspirŽ par l’ocŽan. Les notes de tte comprennent la mangostine, le Valencia Orange et la fleur de canneberge.

J-Lo, tambiŽn conocida como Jennifer L—pez, es una de las mejores artistas, cantantes y celebridades del mundo, dise–a su propia l’nea de ropa femenina y ha ganado premios por sus fragancias. Esta fragancia floral afrutada para mujeres se inspir— en el ocŽano. Las notas principales incluyen mangostine, valencia naranja y flor de ar‡ndano.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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