
Armani Code by Giorgio Armani – 3.7oz (110 ml)

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One of the most celebrated designers ever to come out of Italy, Giorgio Armani, has been a fashion icon for more than 40 years. Noted for his unique approach to fashion that focuses on utility as well as style, the Armani brand has come to embody elegance. In 1982, Armani turned his visionary eye to perfumery with the launch of Armani for Women.

One of the most celebrated designers ever to come out of Italy, Giorgio Armani, has been a fashion icon for more than 40 years. Noted for his unique approach to fashion that focuses on utility as well as style, the Armani brand has come to embody elegance. In 1982, Armani turned his visionary eye to perfumery with the launch of Armani for Women.

Salah satu pereka yang paling terkenal yang pernah keluar dari Itali, Giorgio Armani, telah menjadi ikon fesyen selama lebih dari 40 tahun. Dikenali untuk pendekatan uniknya terhadap fesyen yang memberi tumpuan kepada utiliti dan gaya, jenama Armani telah datang untuk mewujudkan keanggunan. Pada tahun 1982, Armani bertukar mata penglihatannya kepada minyak wangi dengan pelancaran Armani untuk wanita.

L’un des designers les plus cŽlbres ˆ sortir d’Italie, Giorgio Armani, est une ic™ne de la mode depuis plus de 40 ans. NottŽ pour son approche unique de la mode qui se concentre sur l’utilitŽ et le style, la marque Armani est venue incarner l’ŽlŽgance. En 1982, Armani a transformŽ son Ïil visionnaire vers la parfumerie avec le lancement d’Armani pour les femmes.

Uno de los dise–adores m‡s famosos que haya salido de Italia, Giorgio Armani, ha sido un ’cono de la moda durante m‡s de 40 a–os. Observado por su enfoque œnico de la moda que se centra en la utilidad y el estilo, la marca Armani ha llegado a encarnar la elegancia. En 1982, Armani convirti— su ojo visionario en perfumer’a con el lanzamiento de Armani para mujeres.

Weight 3.7 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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