White Tea Wild Rose by Elizabeth Arden – 3.3oz (100 ml)
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Released in 2019, White Tea Wild Rose is a splendidly floral fragrance for women. From fashion designer Elizabeth Arden, this scent is not overpowering, thanks to its unique blend of elements to balance the floral notes. It opens with top notes of white tea, pear tree blossoms, and red currant, while the heart notes bloom with Bulgarian and Turkish rose, clary sage, and blush peony.
Released in 2019, White Tea Wild Rose is a splendidly floral fragrance for women. From fashion designer Elizabeth Arden, this scent is not overpowering, thanks to its unique blend of elements to balance the floral notes. It opens with top notes of white tea, pear tree blossoms, and red currant, while the heart notes bloom with Bulgarian and Turkish rose, clary sage, and blush peony.
Dikeluarkan pada tahun 2019, White Tea Wild Rose ialah wangian bunga yang indah untuk wanita. Daripada pereka fesyen Elizabeth Arden, bauan ini tidak menyerlah, berkat gabungan unsur-unsurnya yang unik untuk mengimbangi nota bunga. Ia dibuka dengan nota atas teh putih, bunga pokok pir dan kismis merah, manakala nota jantung mekar dengan bunga ros Bulgaria dan Turki, bijak clary dan peony merah.
Sorti en 2019, White Tea Wild Rose est un parfum magnifiquement floral pour femme. De la cratrice de mode Elizabeth Arden, ce parfum n’est pas accablant, grce son mlange unique d’lments pour quilibrer les notes florales. Il s’ouvre sur des notes de tte de th blanc, de fleurs de poirier et de groseille rouge, tandis que les notes de cÏur s’panouissent avec de la rose bulgare et turque, de la sauge sclare et de la pivoine blush.
Lanzado en 2019, White Tea Wild Rose es una fragancia esplndidamente floral para mujeres. De la diseadora de moda Elizabeth Arden, esta fragancia no es abrumadora gracias a su combinacin nica de elementos para equilibrar las notas florales. Se abre con notas altas de t blanco, flores de peral y grosella roja, mientras que las notas de corazn florecen con rosa blgara y turca, salvia y peona ruborizada.
Weight | 3.3 kg |
Dimensions | 18 × 13 × 7 cm |
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