
Valentino Donna Born in Roma by Valentino – 1oz (30 ml)

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Valentino Donna Born in Roma is a fragrance for women that is at once feminine, elegant and modern. The opening layer of the perfume is formed by top notes of fruity bergamot and black currant mixed with spicy pink pepper. The heart of the fragrance is a celebration of jasmine with three notes focused on the flower: jasmine, jasmine sambac and jasmine tea.

Valentino Donna Born in Roma is a fragrance for women that is at once feminine, elegant and modern. The opening layer of the perfume is formed by top notes of fruity bergamot and black currant mixed with spicy pink pepper. The heart of the fragrance is a celebration of jasmine with three notes focused on the flower: jasmine, jasmine sambac and jasmine tea.

Valentino Donna Born in Roma adalah wangian untuk wanita yang sekaligus feminin, anggun dan moden. Lapisan pembukaan minyak wangi dibentuk oleh nota atas bergamot buah dan currant hitam dicampur dengan lada merah jambu pedas. Jantung haruman adalah perayaan melati dengan tiga nota tertumpu pada bunga: melati, melati sambac dan teh melati.

Valentino Donna Born in Roma est un parfum pour femme ˆ la fois fŽminin, ŽlŽgant et moderne. La couche d’ouverture du parfum est formŽe de notes de tte fruitŽes de bergamote et de cassis mŽlangŽes ˆ du poivre rose ŽpicŽ. Le cÏur du parfum cŽlbre le jasmin avec trois notes centrŽes sur la fleur : le jasmin, le jasmin sambac et le thŽ au jasmin.

Valentino Donna Born in Roma es una fragancia para mujer a la vez femenina, elegante y moderna. La capa inicial del perfume est‡ formada por notas altas de bergamota afrutada y grosella negra mezcladas con pimienta rosa picante. El coraz—n de la fragancia es una celebraci—n del jazm’n con tres notas centradas en la flor: jazm’n, jazm’n sambac y tŽ de jazm’n.

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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