
Sweet Feeling Soiree by Jack Hope – 2.5oz (75 ml)

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Floral and feminine, Sweet Feeling Soiree is a fragrance for women launched by Jack Hope. A combination of fruit and flowers opens the perfume with notes of peony, freesia and lychee. As the heart of the fragrance comes into focus, additional floral notes begin to bloom with magnolia, rose and lily-of-the-valley.

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Floral and feminine, Sweet Feeling Soiree is a fragrance for women launched by Jack Hope. A combination of fruit and flowers opens the perfume with notes of peony, freesia and lychee. As the heart of the fragrance comes into focus, additional floral notes begin to bloom with magnolia, rose and lily-of-the-valley.

Bunga dan feminin, Sweet Feeling Soiree ialah wangian untuk wanita yang dilancarkan oleh Jack Hope. Gabungan buah-buahan dan bunga membuka minyak wangi dengan nota peony, freesia dan laici. Apabila hati wangian menjadi tumpuan, nota bunga tambahan mula mekar dengan magnolia, mawar dan lily-of-the-valley.

Floral et fŽminin, Sweet Feeling Soiree est un parfum pour femme lancŽ par Jack Hope. Une combinaison de fruits et de fleurs ouvre le parfum avec des notes de pivoine, de freesia et de litchi. Au fur et ˆ mesure que le cÏur du parfum se prŽcise, des notes florales supplŽmentaires commencent ˆ s’Žpanouir avec du magnolia, de la rose et du muguet.

Floral y femenina, Sweet Feeling Soiree es una fragancia para mujeres lanzada por Jack Hope. Una combinaci—n de frutas y flores abre el perfume con notas de peon’a, fresia y lichi. A medida que se enfoca el coraz—n de la fragancia, comienzan a florecer notas florales adicionales con magnolia, rosa y lirio de los valles.

Weight 3.3 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm

Manufactured By


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