Shalimar by Guerlain – 6.8oz (200 ml)
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Launched by the design house of Guerlain way back in 1925, Shalimar is classified as a refined, oriental fragrance that serves as one of the great icons of early 20th-century perfumery. It’s a feminine scent possessing a blend of balsamic and citrus accords, and it’s recommended particularly for evening wear. The citrus notes appear in the top notes, specifically mandarin, bergamot, and lemon, as well as a cedar note.
Launched by the design house of Guerlain way back in 1925, Shalimar is classified as a refined, oriental fragrance that serves as one of the great icons of early 20th-century perfumery. It’s a feminine scent possessing a blend of balsamic and citrus accords, and it’s recommended particularly for evening wear. The citrus notes appear in the top notes, specifically mandarin, bergamot, and lemon, as well as a cedar note.
Dilancarkan oleh rumah reka bentuk Guerlain pada tahun 1925, Shalimar diklasifikasikan sebagai wangian oriental yang halus yang berfungsi sebagai salah satu ikon hebat minyak wangi awal abad ke-20. Ia adalah bau feminin yang mempunyai gabungan balsamic dan sitrus, dan ia disyorkan terutamanya untuk pakaian malam. Nota sitrus muncul dalam nota atas, khususnya mandarin, bergamot, dan lemon, serta nota cedar.
Lanc par la maison de design Guerlain en 1925, Shalimar est class comme un parfum oriental raffin qui constitue l’une des grandes icnes de la parfumerie du dbut du XXe sicle. C’est un parfum fminin possdant un mlange d’accords balsamiques et d’agrumes, et il est particulirement recommand pour les tenues de soire. Les notes d’agrumes apparaissent dans les notes de tte, notamment la mandarine, la bergamote et le citron, ainsi qu’une note de cdre.
Lanzada por la casa de diseo Guerlain all por 1925, Shalimar est clasificada como una fragancia oriental refinada que es uno de los grandes conos de la perfumera de principios del siglo XX. Es una fragancia femenina que posee una mezcla de acordes balsmicos y ctricos, y se recomienda especialmente para la noche. Las notas ctricas aparecen en las notas de salida, concretamente mandarina, bergamota y limn, adems de una nota de cedro.
Weight | 6.8 kg |
Dimensions | 18 × 13 × 7 cm |
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