
Red Door by Elizabeth Arden – 1.7oz (50 ml)

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A 2013 Fragrance Foundation Hall of Fame perfume, Red Door was composed in 1989 by Master Perfumer Carlos Benaim to commemorate the famous “red door” of the Elizabeth Arden Salon on Fifth Avenue in New York City. This is an elegant and refined floral for women with notes of Orange Blossom, Anise, Peach, Carnation, Tuberose, Ylang Ylang, Honey and a base of Heliotrope, Benzoin, Cedar, and Sandalwoodand epitomizes luxury.

A 2013 Fragrance Foundation Hall of Fame perfume, Red Door was composed in 1989 by Master Perfumer Carlos Benaim to commemorate the famous “red door” of the Elizabeth Arden Salon on Fifth Avenue in New York City. This is an elegant and refined floral for women with notes of Orange Blossom, Anise, Peach, Carnation, Tuberose, Ylang Ylang, Honey and a base of Heliotrope, Benzoin, Cedar, and Sandalwoodand epitomizes luxury.

Minyak wangi Hall of Fame Yayasan Wangian 2013, Red Door telah digubah pada tahun 1989 oleh Master Perfumer Carlos Benaim untuk memperingati “red door” yang terkenal di Elizabeth Arden Salon di Fifth Avenue di New York City. Ini adalah bunga yang elegan dan halus untuk wanita dengan nota Orange Blossom, Anise, Peach, Carnation, Tuberose, Ylang Ylang, Madu dan asas Heliotrope, Benzoin, Cedar dan Sandalwood dan melambangkan kemewahan.

Parfum du Temple de la renommŽe de la Fragrance Foundation en 2013, Red Door a ŽtŽ composŽ en 1989 par le ma”tre parfumeur Carlos Benaim pour commŽmorer la cŽlbre Ç porte rouge È du salon Elizabeth Arden sur la Cinquime Avenue ˆ New York. Il s’agit d’un floral ŽlŽgant et raffinŽ pour femme avec des notes de fleur d’oranger, d’anis, de pche, d’Ïillet, de tubŽreuse, d’ylang ylang, de miel et une base d’hŽliotrope, de benjoin, de cdre et de bois de santal et incarne le luxe.

Red Door, un perfume del Sal—n de la Fama de la Fragrance Foundation de 2013, fue compuesto en 1989 por el maestro perfumista Carlos Benaim para conmemorar la famosa “puerta roja” del Sal—n Elizabeth Arden en la Quinta Avenida de la ciudad de Nueva York. Se trata de un floral elegante y refinado para mujeres con notas de azahar, an’s, melocot—n, clavel, nardo, ylang ylang, miel y una base de heliotropo, benju’, cedro y s‡ndalo, que personifica el lujo.

Weight 1.7 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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