
Paris Hilton by Paris Hilton – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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Paris Hilton Cologne for men was introduced in 2004 is masculine, daring yet sleek and sophisticated. This masculine scent possesses a blend of sky air, fig leaf, green mango. The middle notes include white sage, juniper and basil.

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Paris Hilton Cologne for men was introduced in 2004 is masculine, daring yet sleek and sophisticated. This masculine scent possesses a blend of sky air, fig leaf, green mango. The middle notes include white sage, juniper and basil.

Paris Hilton Cologne untuk lelaki diperkenalkan pada tahun 2004 adalah maskulin, berani namun anggun dan canggih. Aroma maskulin ini mempunyai campuran udara langit, daun ara, mangga hijau. Nota tengah termasuk bijak putih, juniper dan kemangi.

Paris Hilton Cologne pour les hommes a ŽtŽ introduit en 2004 est masculin, audacieux mais ŽlŽgant et sophistiquŽ. Ce parfum masculin possde un mŽlange d’air ciel, de feuille de figuier, de mangue verte. Les notes du milieu comprennent la sauge blanche, le genŽvrier et le basilic.

Paris Hilton Colonia para hombres se introdujo en 2004 es masculino, atrevido pero elegante y sofisticado. Este aroma masculino posee una mezcla de aire del cielo, hoja de higuera, mango verde. Las notas intermedias incluyen salvia blanca, enebro y albahaca.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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