
Moonlight Frost by Victoria’s Secret – 8.4oz (250 ml)

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Find your bliss among a frosty winter wonderland with each spritz of Moonlight Frost. Released in 2020 as an offering in the Victoria’s Secret collection of Limited Edition Winter Bliss Fragrance Mists, the women’s perfume combines some of the most alluring aspects of the season in scent form. Imagine the bright moonlight cuts a path across the snow-covered garden where the petals of flowers and the branches of trees are draped in glittering ice crystals.

Find your bliss among a frosty winter wonderland with each spritz of Moonlight Frost. Released in 2020 as an offering in the Victoria’s Secret collection of Limited Edition Winter Bliss Fragrance Mists, the women’s perfume combines some of the most alluring aspects of the season in scent form. Imagine the bright moonlight cuts a path across the snow-covered garden where the petals of flowers and the branches of trees are draped in glittering ice crystals.

Temui kebahagiaan anda di antara kawasan ajaib musim sejuk yang membeku dengan setiap semburan Moonlight Frost. Dikeluarkan pada tahun 2020 sebagai tawaran dalam koleksi Victoria’s Secret Edisi Terhad Winter Bliss Fragrance Mists, minyak wangi wanita itu menggabungkan beberapa aspek paling memikat musim ini dalam bentuk bau. Bayangkan cahaya bulan yang terang memotong laluan merentasi taman yang dilitupi salji di mana kelopak bunga dan dahan pokok terbungkus hablur ais yang berkilauan.

Trouvez votre bonheur dans un pays des merveilles hivernal glacial avec chaque pulvŽrisation de Moonlight Frost. Sorti en 2020 dans la collection Victoria’s Secret de brumes parfumŽes Winter Bliss en Ždition limitŽe, le parfum pour femme combine certains des aspects les plus sŽduisants de la saison sous forme de parfum. Imaginez que le clair de lune trace un chemin ˆ travers le jardin enneigŽ o les pŽtales de fleurs et les branches des arbres sont drapŽs de cristaux de glace scintillants.

Encuentra tu felicidad en un para’so invernal helado con cada rociado de Moonlight Frost. Lanzado en 2020 como una oferta de la colecci—n Victoria’s Secret de Winter Bliss Fragrance Mists de edici—n limitada, el perfume de mujer combina algunos de los aspectos m‡s atractivos de la temporada en forma de fragancia. Imag’nese que la brillante luz de la luna abre un camino a travŽs del jard’n cubierto de nieve donde los pŽtalos de las flores y las ramas de los ‡rboles est‡n cubiertos de brillantes cristales de hielo.

Weight 8.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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