Mon Guerlain Intense by Guerlain – 1oz (30 ml)
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Inspired by actress and activist Angelina Jolie, Mon Guerlain Intense is a complex women’s fragrance introduced in 2019. From French designer Guerlain, this exotic, woodsy scent is as enigmatic and seductive as its inspiration. It opens with top notes of bergamot, tranquil lavender, and mandarin orange.
Inspired by actress and activist Angelina Jolie, Mon Guerlain Intense is a complex women’s fragrance introduced in 2019. From French designer Guerlain, this exotic, woodsy scent is as enigmatic and seductive as its inspiration. It opens with top notes of bergamot, tranquil lavender, and mandarin orange.
Diinspirasikan oleh pelakon dan aktivis Angelina Jolie, Mon Guerlain Intense ialah wangian wanita kompleks yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 2019. Daripada pereka Perancis Guerlain, bauan kayu yang eksotik ini begitu membingungkan dan menggoda sebagai inspirasinya. Ia dibuka dengan nota atas bergamot, lavender yang tenang dan oren mandarin.
Inspir par l’actrice et activiste Angelina Jolie, Mon Guerlain Intense est un parfum fminin complexe lanc en 2019. Du crateur franais Guerlain, ce parfum exotique et bois est aussi nigmatique et sduisant que son inspiration. Il s’ouvre sur des notes de tte de bergamote, de lavande tranquille et de mandarine.
Inspirada en la actriz y activista Angelina Jolie, Mon Guerlain Intense es una fragancia femenina compleja presentada en 2019. Del diseador francs Guerlain, esta fragancia extica y amaderada es tan enigmtica y seductora como su inspiracin. Se abre con notas altas de bergamota, lavanda tranquila y mandarina.
Weight | 1 kg |
Dimensions | 18 × 13 × 7 cm |
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