
MISS BYBLOS by BYBLOS – 3.4oz (100 ml)

Use Promo Code “$20-OFF” For Purchases Above $50


Miss Byblos is a dynamic, youthful perfume for women. Light, citrusy neroli opens the fragrance. The delicate white blossom is joined by additional top notes of pink pepper and succulent mandarin orange.

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Miss Byblos is a dynamic, youthful perfume for women. Light, citrusy neroli opens the fragrance. The delicate white blossom is joined by additional top notes of pink pepper and succulent mandarin orange.

Miss Byblos adalah minyak wangi yang dinamik dan muda untuk wanita. Cahaya, Neroli Citrusy membuka wangian. Bunga putih halus disertai dengan nota atas lada merah jambu dan oren mandarin yang berair.

Miss Byblos est un parfum dynamique et jeune pour les femmes. Nerroli lŽger et agrumes ouvre le parfum. La fleur blanche dŽlicate est rejointe par des notes de tte supplŽmentaires de poivre rose et de succulente orange mandarin.

Miss Byblos es un perfume din‡mico y juvenil para las mujeres. La luz, el neroli c’trico abre la fragancia. La delicada flor blanca se une por notas superiores adicionales de pimienta rosa y suculenta mandarina naranja.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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