
Love In Paris by Nina Ricci – 1.7oz (50 ml)

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Love in Paris by Nina Ricci was introduced in 2004 as a sparkling, romantic scent for women. This feminine scent possesses a blend of Bergamot, Violet, Anis and lovely fresh rose. Followed by White Peony, apricot, Jasmin that finishes off with sandalwood, cedarwood,musk and a subtle touch of vanilla.

Love in Paris by Nina Ricci was introduced in 2004 as a sparkling, romantic scent for women. This feminine scent possesses a blend of Bergamot, Violet, Anis and lovely fresh rose. Followed by White Peony, apricot, Jasmin that finishes off with sandalwood, cedarwood,musk and a subtle touch of vanilla.

Cinta di Paris oleh Nina Ricci diperkenalkan pada tahun 2004 sebagai bauan romantis yang berkilauan untuk wanita. Bau feminin ini mempunyai gabungan Bergamot, Violet, Anis dan mawar segar yang indah. Diikuti dengan White Peony, aprikot, Jasmin yang diakhiri dengan cendana, kayu cedar, kasturi dan sentuhan vanila yang halus.

Love in Paris de Nina Ricci a ŽtŽ introduit en 2004 comme un parfum pŽtillant et romantique pour les femmes. Ce parfum fŽminin possde un mŽlange de bergamote, de violette, d’anis et de jolie rose fra”che. Suivi par la pivoine blanche, l’abricot, le jasmin qui se termine par du bois de santal, du bois de cdre, du musc et une subtile touche de vanille.

Love in Paris de Nina Ricci se present— en 2004 como una fragancia rom‡ntica y chispeante para mujeres. Esta fragancia femenina posee una mezcla de bergamota, violeta, an’s y una hermosa rosa fresca. Seguido de peon’a blanca, albaricoque, jazm’n que remata con s‡ndalo, madera de cedro, almizcle y un sutil toque de vainilla.

Weight 1.7 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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