
Lily of The Valley Yardley by Yardley London – 2.6oz (75 ml)

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Lilies grow all over the countryside in England; they are white flowers that are delicate in nature. Yardley London has bottled their scent and launched the Lily of the Valley in 2011 that is perfect for all occasions. It provides a fresh and strong scent that will linger for a long time on the wearer and invigorate the wearer’s senses.

Lilies grow all over the countryside in England; they are white flowers that are delicate in nature. Yardley London has bottled their scent and launched the Lily of the Valley in 2011 that is perfect for all occasions. It provides a fresh and strong scent that will linger for a long time on the wearer and invigorate the wearer’s senses.

Lili tumbuh di seluruh kawasan luar bandar di England; ia adalah bunga putih yang bersifat halus. Yardley London telah membotolkan bau mereka dan melancarkan Lily of the Valley pada tahun 2011 yang sesuai untuk semua majlis. Ia memberikan bau segar dan kuat yang akan bertahan lama pada pemakai dan mencergaskan deria si pemakai.

Les lys poussent partout dans la campagne anglaise ; ce sont des fleurs blanches de nature dŽlicate. Yardley London a mis son parfum en bouteille et a lancŽ le Lily of the Valley en 2011, parfait pour toutes les occasions. Il procure un parfum frais et fort qui persistera longtemps sur celui qui le porte et revigorera ses sens.

Los lirios crecen por todo el campo de Inglaterra; Son flores blancas de naturaleza delicada. Yardley London embotell— su fragancia y lanz— Lily of the Valley en 2011, que es perfecta para todas las ocasiones. Proporciona un aroma fresco y fuerte que permanecer‡ durante mucho tiempo en quien lo use y vigorizar‡ sus sentidos.

Weight 2.6 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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