
L’homme Ideal by Guerlain – 3.3oz (100 ml)

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Created by the house of Guerlain with perfumer Thierry Wasser and released in 2014. You won’t mistake this blend for anything other than a remarkable woodsy scent with a subtle personality that is clearly magical. Hours and hours of sheer delight.

Created by the house of Guerlain with perfumer Thierry Wasser and released in 2014. You won’t mistake this blend for anything other than a remarkable woodsy scent with a subtle personality that is clearly magical. Hours and hours of sheer delight.

Dicipta oleh rumah Guerlain dengan pewangi Thierry Wasser dan dikeluarkan pada tahun 2014. Anda tidak akan silap adunan ini selain daripada bau kayu yang luar biasa dengan personaliti halus yang jelas ajaib. Berjam-jam dan berjam-jam kegembiraan semata-mata.

CrŽŽ par la maison Guerlain avec le parfumeur Thierry Wasser et sorti en 2014. Vous ne confondrez pas ce mŽlange avec autre chose qu’un boisŽ remarquable ˆ la personnalitŽ subtile et clairement magique. Des heures et des heures de pur dŽlice.

Creado por la casa Guerlain con el perfumista Thierry Wasser y lanzado en 2014. No confundir‡s esta mezcla con nada m‡s que un notable aroma amaderado con una personalidad sutil que es claramente m‡gica. Horas y horas de puro placer.

Weight 3.3 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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