Jennifer Aniston by Jennifer Aniston – 8oz (235 ml)
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Introduced in February 2011 by the design house of Jennifer Aniston, this delightful fragrance combines the fresh and sparkling scents of the sea mixed with clean soap and fresh floral notes. This invigorating and refreshing fragrance by Jennifer Aniston is ideal for the woman who is ready to face each day with a fresh and positive attitude. Opening top notes are comprised of soap and sea spray.
Introduced in February 2011 by the design house of Jennifer Aniston, this delightful fragrance combines the fresh and sparkling scents of the sea mixed with clean soap and fresh floral notes. This invigorating and refreshing fragrance by Jennifer Aniston is ideal for the woman who is ready to face each day with a fresh and positive attitude. Opening top notes are comprised of soap and sea spray.
Diperkenalkan pada Februari 2011 oleh rumah reka bentuk Jennifer Aniston, wangian yang menarik ini menggabungkan bau segar dan berkilauan laut yang dicampur dengan sabun bersih dan nota bunga segar. Wangian yang menyegarkan dan menyegarkan oleh Jennifer Aniston ini sesuai untuk wanita yang bersedia menghadapi setiap hari dengan sikap segar dan positif. Nota atas pembukaan terdiri daripada sabun dan semburan laut.
Introduit en fvrier 2011 par la maison de design de Jennifer Aniston, ce parfum dlicieux combine les senteurs fraches et ptillantes de la mer mlanges avec du savon propre et des notes florales fraches. Ce parfum revigorant et rafrachissant de Jennifer Aniston est idal pour la femme qui est prte affronter chaque jour avec une attitude frache et positive. Les notes de tte d’ouverture sont composes de savon et d’embruns marins.
Presentada en febrero de 2011 por la casa de diseo de Jennifer Aniston, esta deliciosa fragancia combina los aromas frescos y chispeantes del mar mezclados con jabn limpio y notas florales frescas. Esta fragancia vigorizante y refrescante de Jennifer Aniston es ideal para la mujer que est lista para enfrentar cada da con una actitud fresca y positiva. Las notas altas de apertura se componen de jabn y roco de mar.
Weight | 8 kg |
Dimensions | 18 × 13 × 7 cm |
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Manufactured By |
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