
Ikks Be Free Spirit by Ikks – 1.69oz (50 ml)

Use Promo Code “$20-OFF” For Purchases Above $50


Designed for the bold, modern man, Ikks Be Free Spirit features a wealth of enticing ingredients. Top notes of green, menthe and tangerine beckon with their fresh energy. Then, the blend’s heart notes of bitter orange, ginger, and white wood add their citrus, spicy and woody accords.

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Designed for the bold, modern man, Ikks Be Free Spirit features a wealth of enticing ingredients. Top notes of green, menthe and tangerine beckon with their fresh energy. Then, the blend’s heart notes of bitter orange, ginger, and white wood add their citrus, spicy and woody accords.

Direka bentuk untuk lelaki moden yang berani, Ikks Be Free Spirit menampilkan pelbagai bahan yang menarik. Nota atas hijau, menthe dan tangerine mengisyaratkan tenaga segarnya. Kemudian, nota jantung adunan daripada oren pahit, halia dan kayu putih menambah buah sitrus, pedas dan kayunya.

Conu pour l’homme audacieux et moderne, Ikks Be Free Spirit contient une multitude d’ingrŽdients sŽduisants. Les notes de tte de vert, de menthe et de mandarine invitent avec leur Žnergie fra”che. Ensuite, les notes de cÏur du mŽlange d’orange amre, de gingembre et de bois blanc ajoutent leurs accords d’agrumes, ŽpicŽs et boisŽs.

Dise–ado para el hombre audaz y moderno, Ikks Be Free Spirit presenta una gran cantidad de ingredientes tentadores. Las notas altas de verde, menta y mandarina atraen con su energ’a fresca. Luego, las notas de coraz—n de la mezcla de naranja amarga, jengibre y madera blanca agregan sus acordes c’tricos, especiados y amaderados.

Weight 1.69 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm

Manufactured By


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