
Green Tea Tropical by Elizabeth Arden – 3.3oz (100 ml)

Use Promo Code “$20-OFF” For Purchases Above $50


Part of Elizabeth Arden’s refreshing green tea collection, Green Tea Tropical for women boasts added delights of tropical fruits and florals. The stimulating heart of green tea and creamy magnolia is deliciously enhanced by delicate litchi and exotic passionflower with a base of heady musk. The resulting fragrance is light and sweet with an undercurrent of aromatic warmth.

Part of Elizabeth Arden’s refreshing green tea collection, Green Tea Tropical for women boasts added delights of tropical fruits and florals. The stimulating heart of green tea and creamy magnolia is deliciously enhanced by delicate litchi and exotic passionflower with a base of heady musk. The resulting fragrance is light and sweet with an undercurrent of aromatic warmth.

Sebahagian daripada koleksi teh hijau Elizabeth Arden yang menyegarkan, Green Tea Tropical untuk wanita mempunyai kelebihan buah-buahan tropika dan bunga-bungaan. Jantung merangsang teh hijau dan magnolia berkrim dipertingkatkan dengan lazat oleh litchi halus dan passionflower eksotik dengan asas kasturi yang memabukkan. Wangian yang terhasil adalah ringan dan manis dengan arus bawah kehangatan aromatik.

Faisant partie de la collection de thŽs verts rafra”chissants d’Elizabeth Arden, Green Tea Tropical pour femmes offre des dŽlices supplŽmentaires de fruits tropicaux et de fleurs. Le cÏur stimulant de thŽ vert et de magnolia crŽmeux est dŽlicieusement rehaussŽ de dŽlicats litchis et de passiflore exotique sur un fond de musc enivrant. Le parfum qui en rŽsulte est lŽger et doux avec un courant sous-jacent de chaleur aromatique.

Como parte de la refrescante colecci—n de tŽ verde de Elizabeth Arden, Green Tea Tropical para mujeres cuenta con delicias adicionales de frutas y flores tropicales. El estimulante coraz—n del tŽ verde y la cremosa magnolia se ve deliciosamente realzado por el delicado litchi y la ex—tica pasiflora con una base de embriagador almizcle. La fragancia resultante es ligera y dulce con un trasfondo de calidez arom‡tica.

Weight 3.3 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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