
Diamond Petals by Thalia Sodi – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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Floral and fruity with just the right amount of deeper elements to keep it complex, Diamond Petals is a creative new feminine fragrance from Thalia Sodi, a Mexican singer and entrepreneur. Released in 2019, this women’s scent begins its aromatic journey with notes of cassis, guava, mandarin orange, and grapefruit. The scent takes a trip around the garden with heart notes of freesia, lily-of-the-valley, rose, and magnolia, before the base notes of coconut, vanilla bean, sandalwood, and cedar make create a memorable finish.

Floral and fruity with just the right amount of deeper elements to keep it complex, Diamond Petals is a creative new feminine fragrance from Thalia Sodi, a Mexican singer and entrepreneur. Released in 2019, this women’s scent begins its aromatic journey with notes of cassis, guava, mandarin orange, and grapefruit. The scent takes a trip around the garden with heart notes of freesia, lily-of-the-valley, rose, and magnolia, before the base notes of coconut, vanilla bean, sandalwood, and cedar make create a memorable finish.

Floral dan buah -buahan dengan hanya jumlah yang tepat unsur -unsur yang lebih mendalam untuk memastikan ia kompleks, kelopak berlian adalah wangian feminin baru yang kreatif dari Thalia Sodi, penyanyi dan usahawan Mexico. Dikeluarkan pada tahun 2019, aroma wanita ini memulakan perjalanan aromatiknya dengan nota cassis, jambu, mandarin oren, dan limau gedang. Aroma mengambil perjalanan di sekitar taman dengan nota jantung Freesia, Lily-of-the-Valley, Rose, dan Magnolia, sebelum nota asas kelapa, kacang vanila, cendana, dan cedar membuat penamat yang tidak dapat dilupakan.

Floral et fruitŽ avec juste la bonne quantitŽ d’ŽlŽments plus profonds pour le garder complexe, Diamond Petals est un nouveau parfum fŽminin crŽatif de Thalia Sodi, chanteur et entrepreneur mexicain. Sorti en 2019, ce parfum de femmes commence son voyage aromatique avec des notes de cassis, de goyave, d’orange mandarin et de pamplemousse. Le parfum fait un voyage dans le jardin avec des notes cardiaques de freesia, de lys-of-the-valley, de rose et de magnolia, avant que les notes de base de noix de coco, de gousse de vanille, de bois de santal et de cdre ne crŽent une finition mŽmorable.

Floral y afrutado con la cantidad justa de elementos m‡s profundos para mantenerlo complejo, Diamond Petals es una nueva fragancia femenina creativa de Thalia Sodi, una cantante y emprendedor mexicana. Lanzado en 2019, este aroma femenino comienza su viaje arom‡tico con notas de cassis, guayaba, mandarina naranja y pomelo. El aroma hace un viaje por el jard’n con notas card’acas de Freesia, lirio del valle, rosa y magnolia, antes de que las notas base de coco, vainilla, s‡ndalo y cedro creen un acabado memorable.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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