
Daisy by Marc Jacobs – 1oz (30 ml)

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The world of women’s perfume is vast and exciting. Marc Jacobs is a superb fragrance designer, and his brand quickly climbed into the hearts of many. The Daisy by Marc Jacobs perfume line was unveiled in 2007.

The world of women’s perfume is vast and exciting. Marc Jacobs is a superb fragrance designer, and his brand quickly climbed into the hearts of many. The Daisy by Marc Jacobs perfume line was unveiled in 2007.

Dunia minyak wangi wanita sangat luas dan menarik. Marc Jacobs ialah pereka wangian yang hebat, dan jenamanya dengan cepat berjaya di hati ramai orang. Barisan minyak wangi Daisy oleh Marc Jacobs telah diperkenalkan pada tahun 2007.

Le monde du parfum fŽminin est vaste et passionnant. Marc Jacobs est un superbe crŽateur de parfums et sa marque a rapidement conquis le cÏur de nombreuses personnes. La ligne de parfum Daisy de Marc Jacobs a ŽtŽ dŽvoilŽe en 2007.

El mundo del perfume femenino es vasto y apasionante. Marc Jacobs es un excelente dise–ador de fragancias y su marca r‡pidamente lleg— al coraz—n de muchos. La l’nea de perfumes Daisy by Marc Jacobs se present— en 2007.

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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