
Curve Connect by Liz Claiborne – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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Launched by Liz Claiborne in 2008 it has been described as a fragrance for the scoailly connected individual. It contains notes of tangerine, white melon, cactus flower, plum, saffron, cinnamon, sandalwood, cedar, sheer patchouli and Tahitian vanilla.

Launched by Liz Claiborne in 2008 it has been described as a fragrance for the scoailly connected individual. It contains notes of tangerine, white melon, cactus flower, plum, saffron, cinnamon, sandalwood, cedar, sheer patchouli and Tahitian vanilla.

Dilancarkan oleh Liz Claiborne pada tahun 2008 ia telah digambarkan sebagai wangian bagi individu yang disambungkan. Ia mengandungi nota tangerine, melon putih, bunga kaktus, plum, safron, kayu manis, cendana, cedar, nilam sulung dan vanila Tahitian.

LancŽ par Liz Claiborne en 2008, il a ŽtŽ dŽcrit comme un parfum pour l’individu connectŽ Scoailly. Il contient des notes de mandarine, de melon blanc, de fleur de cactus, de prune, de safran, de cannelle, de bois de santal, de cdre, de patchouli transparent et de vanille tahitienne.

Lanzado por Liz Claiborne en 2008, se ha descrito como una fragancia para el individuo conectado a Scoailly. Contiene notas de mandarina, mel—n blanco, flor de cactus, ciruela, azafr‡n, canela, s‡ndalo, cedro, pachul’ puro y vainilla tahitiana.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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