Cuba Magnum Red by Fragluxe – 4.3oz (125 ml)
Use Promo Code “$20-OFF” For Purchases Above $50
It might look like a Cuban cigar, but this bottle is actually housing wonderful cologne that is perfect for daytime or nighttime use. The spicy and woody accords gives it an invigorating quality that will wake you up in the morning or perk you up when you are trying to stay awake during the evening. In addition to spicy and woody notes, this fragrance also has hints of sandalwood, sage and basil.
It might look like a Cuban cigar, but this bottle is actually housing wonderful cologne that is perfect for daytime or nighttime use. The spicy and woody accords gives it an invigorating quality that will wake you up in the morning or perk you up when you are trying to stay awake during the evening. In addition to spicy and woody notes, this fragrance also has hints of sandalwood, sage and basil.
Ia mungkin kelihatan seperti cerut Cuba, tetapi botol ini sebenarnya menempatkan cologne indah yang sesuai untuk kegunaan siang atau malam. Perpaduan pedas dan berkayu memberikannya kualiti yang menyegarkan yang akan membangunkan anda pada waktu pagi atau menyegarkan anda apabila anda cuba berjaga pada waktu petang. Selain nota pedas dan berkayu, wangian ini juga mempunyai sedikit cendana, sage dan basil.
Cela peut ressembler un cigare cubain, mais cette bouteille contient en ralit une merveilleuse eau de Cologne, parfaite pour une utilisation de jour comme de nuit. Les accords pics et boiss lui confrent une qualit vivifiante qui vous rveillera le matin ou vous revigorera lorsque vous tenterez de rester veill le soir. En plus des notes pices et boises, ce parfum prsente galement des notes de bois de santal, de sauge et de basilic.
Puede parecer un cigarro cubano, pero esta botella en realidad contiene una maravillosa colonia que es perfecta para usar durante el da o la noche. Los acordes especiados y amaderados le dan una cualidad vigorizante que te despertar por la maana o te animar cuando intentes mantenerte despierto durante la noche. Adems de notas especiadas y amaderadas, esta fragancia tambin tiene toques de sndalo, salvia y albahaca.
Weight | 4.3 kg |
Dimensions | 18 × 13 × 7 cm |
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