
Chic Shaik Blue No. 30 by Shaik – 2oz (60 ml)

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First released in 2008, Chic Shaik Blue No. 30 is an extravagant fragrance meant to invoke old Arabian fairytales. The bottle even looks like an ancient artifact!

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First released in 2008, Chic Shaik Blue No. 30 is an extravagant fragrance meant to invoke old Arabian fairytales. The bottle even looks like an ancient artifact!

Pertama yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 2008, Chic Shaik Blue No. 30 adalah wangian yang mewah yang dimaksudkan untuk memohon dongeng Arab lama. Botol itu kelihatan seperti artifak kuno!

Sorti en 2008 pour la premire fois, Chic Shaik Blue No. 30 est un parfum extravagant destinŽ ˆ invoquer de vieux contes de fŽes arabes. La bouteille ressemble mme ˆ un ancien artefact!

Lanzado por primera vez en 2008, Chic Shaik Blue No. 30 es una fragancia extravagante destinada a invocar viejos cuentos de hadas ‡rabes. ÁLa botella incluso parece un artefacto antiguo!

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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