
Bombshell by Victoria’s Secret – 3.4oz (100 ml)

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The Victoria’s Secret collection of fragrances was launched in 2011. Bombshell is a citrus wave of grapefruit and black currant with sweet lily. An eau de parfum of a leading female brand, this has some more secrets embedded in it.

The Victoria’s Secret collection of fragrances was launched in 2011. Bombshell is a citrus wave of grapefruit and black currant with sweet lily. An eau de parfum of a leading female brand, this has some more secrets embedded in it.

Koleksi wangian Victoria’s Secret telah dilancarkan pada 2011. Bombshell ialah gelombang sitrus limau gedang dan kismis hitam dengan lily manis. Eau de parfum jenama wanita terkemuka, ini mempunyai beberapa lagi rahsia yang tertanam di dalamnya.

La collection de parfums Victoria’s Secret a ŽtŽ lancŽe en 2011. Bombshell est une vague d’agrumes de pamplemousse et de cassis avec du lys doux. Eau de parfum d’une grande marque fŽminine, elle renferme encore quelques secrets.

La colecci—n de fragancias Victoria’s Secret se lanz— en 2011. Bombshell es una ola c’trica de pomelo y grosella negra con lirio dulce. Un eau de parfum de una marca femenina l’der, que contiene algunos secretos m‡s.

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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