
Black Phantom Memento Mori by Kilian – 1.7oz (50 ml)

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Black Phantom Memento Mori is a women’s fragrance by luxury perfume line Kilian, named after the fashion designer of the same name. This warm, spicy 2017 scent is inspired by pirates infiltrating the Martinique rum trade. You’ll detect main gourmand notes of rum, coffee and earthy vetiver wood.

Black Phantom Memento Mori is a women’s fragrance by luxury perfume line Kilian, named after the fashion designer of the same name. This warm, spicy 2017 scent is inspired by pirates infiltrating the Martinique rum trade. You’ll detect main gourmand notes of rum, coffee and earthy vetiver wood.

Black Phantom Memento Mori ialah wangian wanita oleh barisan minyak wangi mewah Kilian, dinamakan sempena pereka fesyen dengan nama yang sama. Bau hangat dan pedas 2017 ini diinspirasikan oleh lanun yang menyusup ke dalam perdagangan rum Martinique. Anda akan mengesan nota gourmand utama rum, kopi dan kayu vetiver tanah.

Black Phantom Memento Mori est un parfum fŽminin de la ligne de parfums de luxe Kilian, du nom du crŽateur de mode du mme nom. Ce parfum chaleureux et ŽpicŽ de 2017 s’inspire des pirates infiltrant le commerce du rhum martiniquais. Vous dŽtecterez des notes gourmandes principales de rhum, de cafŽ et de bois de vŽtiver terreux.

Black Phantom Memento Mori es una fragancia femenina de la l’nea de perfumes de lujo Kilian, que lleva el nombre del dise–ador de moda del mismo nombre. Esta fragancia c‡lida y especiada de 2017 est‡ inspirada en los piratas que se infiltran en el comercio de ron de Martinica. Detectar‡s notas golosas principales de ron, cafŽ y madera terrosa de vetiver.

Weight 1.7 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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