
Adidas Moves Gift Set By Adidas Set

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Adidas Moves Cologne by Adidas, Launched in 1999, adidas moves by the design house of adidas received a prestigious fifi award in 2000. This refreshing scent is sweet and spicy. The top notes are green apple, tomato leaf, parsley, black pepper, anise, spearmint, peppermint, pineapple, mandarine.

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Adidas Moves Cologne by Adidas, Launched in 1999, adidas moves by the design house of adidas received a prestigious fifi award in 2000. This refreshing scent is sweet and spicy. The top notes are green apple, tomato leaf, parsley, black pepper, anise, spearmint, peppermint, pineapple, mandarine.

Adidas menggerakkan Cologne oleh Adidas, yang dilancarkan pada tahun 1999, Adidas bergerak oleh Design House of Adidas menerima anugerah Fifi yang berprestij pada tahun 2000. Bau yang menyegarkan ini manis dan pedas. Nota teratas adalah epal hijau, daun tomato, pasli, lada hitam, anise, spearmint, peppermint, nanas, mandarin.

Adidas bouge de Cologne par Adidas, lancŽ en 1999, Adidas propose par la maison de design d’Adidas a reu une prestigieuse Prix FIFI en 2000. Ce parfum rafra”chissant est doux et ŽpicŽ. Les notes supŽrieures sont la pomme verte, la feuille de tomate, le persil, le poivron noir, l’anis, la mezdime, la menthe poivrŽe, l’ananas, le mandarine.

Adidas mueve Colonia por Adidas, lanzada en 1999, Adidas Moves por la Casa de Dise–o de Adidas recibi— un prestigioso premio FIFI en 2000. Este refrescante aroma es dulce y picante. Las notas superiores son de manzana verde, hoja de tomate, perejil, pimienta negra, an’s, menta, menta, pi–a, mandarina.

Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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