5th Avenue Uptown NYC by Elizabeth Arden – 2.5oz (75 ml)
Use Promo Code “$20-OFF” For Purchases Above $50
5th Avenue Uptown Nyc represents uptown New York with a luxurious and elegant scent to highlight the lifestyle. Launched in 2017, it smells as crisp as autumn feels. Owed to its pink pepper, white wine and petit grain, it has moderate sillage.
5th Avenue Uptown Nyc represents uptown New York with a luxurious and elegant scent to highlight the lifestyle. Launched in 2017, it smells as crisp as autumn feels. Owed to its pink pepper, white wine and petit grain, it has moderate sillage.
5th Avenue Uptown Nyc mewakili uptown New York dengan bauan yang mewah dan elegan untuk menyerlahkan gaya hidup. Dilancarkan pada 2017, baunya semerbak musim luruh. Disebabkan oleh lada merah jambu, wain putih dan bijirin petit, ia mempunyai sillage sederhana.
5th Avenue Uptown Nyc reprsente les quartiers chics de New York avec un parfum luxueux et lgant pour mettre en valeur le style de vie. Lanc en 2017, il sent aussi bon que lÕautomne. Grce son poivre rose, son vin blanc et son petit grain, il prsente un sillage modr.
5th Avenue Uptown Nyc representa la zona alta de Nueva York con un aroma lujoso y elegante para resaltar el estilo de vida. Lanzado en 2017, huele tan fresco como el otoo. Debido a su pimienta rosa, vino blanco y petit grain, tiene una estela moderada.
Weight | 2.5 kg |
Dimensions | 18 × 13 × 7 cm |
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